IB Program


Introducing Broker” affiliate program is intended for both individuals and companies and doesn’t require any initial investments or deep knowledge about Stock Market. All you have to do is to recommend our Company to prospective clients personally or find them via social networks, message boards, or web blogs and receive affiliate commission for all transaction made by your clients.

No need to have your own website.
No initial investments are required.
Affiliate commission is paid on a daily basis.
Affiliate commission for trading using Stocks
Detailed trading and financial statistics.
Informational support from the Company.
There are no limitations for the minimum number of attracted clients.
No limitations on the minimum trading volume of attracted clients.
The Agent is allowed to use the following ways to attach the clients he attracted to his Partner group:
Agent ID, personal affiliate code.
Affiliate (referral) link.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)